The spiritual benefits of working and using crystals


Healing crystals

If you believe that everything in the world is interconnected in one way or another, then the magic of using crystal is already revealed to you. Crystals help in vibrating the energy of the universe in a way that promotes healing and wellness. Did you know that not all crystal release the same kind of energy? It is important to be conscious of the fact that some crystals will benefit you and others will not.


Having a crystal to carry around with you throughout the day promotes the kind of healing that you desire. Chose a crystal that releases the type of energy you require and after you have cleansed it in cold water, sage smoke, sea salt and sunlight, focus on the benefits you would like to see in your life. The power of thanksgiving to the crystal is the magic that unlocks all that you have focused on. Having a crystal is a good way of reinventing yourself because every time you cleanse it, you will receive a vibration of energy into your life.


After a long day at work or school, you want to be able to sleep and wake up with enough spirit to face the new day. Having a crystal to sleep with through the night can literary be the secret to waking up feeling fresh and enthusiastic about a new day. A black tourmaline absorbs any negative and harsh energy that are eliminated by electronics around the house so that they do not burden your spirit. You can also acquire a jasper, spirit quartz, amethyst, or selenite to provide tranquility through the night.

Increasing wealth

Material prosperity comes from aligning your energy to provide an organization in the area of finances. In most cases, wealth goes hand in hand with happiness so you can be assured that the crystal that aligns wealth creation opportunities in your favor will fill your heart with gladness. Place a citrine quartz at a corner in your place of work or a white quartz in an area where is evident for everyone to see and you will be amazed at how joyful your life becomes.

Spiritual cleansing

Experts say that the best way to realizing your goals and aspirations is to write them on a piece of paper and then stick this in a location where you will see them all the time. By using crystals especial white, quartz you can give energy to the list of things you wish to be. Direct this energy to any place that you consider an altar at your home or place of work and you will always have the energy to manifest your ideal characteristics.

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