
Legends. Focus Photography of Flying Hummingbird

Chuparosa / Hummingbird

The symbolism and legend of the chuparosa dates back to the Mayan civilization. The Mayan religion involved several aspects of nature, animal spirits, astronomy and rituals. According to the Mayan legend, to capture or kill a hummingbird would bring bad luck to one’s love life.

The legend also claims that the chuparosa carried love thoughts and to see one meant that a special person was ready to open his or her heart to you.

The legend of the hummingbird lives on and is celebrated to this day in the Mexican culture. In the Mexican tradition, if you spot a chuparosa anywhere, someone you love or desire to be part of your life is thinking of you and delivering a message. The hummingbird Mayan legend is over four thousand years old.

Evil Eye / Mal de Ojo

According to legend, the evil eye is a curse and usually given to someone when they are not aware of it. Many cultures believe that receiving the evil eye will cause misfortune and even injury. The legend of the evil eye dates back to 427 BC as it was discovered that the evil was mentioned in books written by the philosopher Plato in Athens Greece.

The symbol of the evil eye can be found in Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Palestine, Morocco, southern Spain, Italy, Greece, Afghanistan, Syria and Mexico. In the Mexican tradition, evil eye also known as “mal de ojo” and to break the spell you can burn evil eye candles, wear evil eye jewelry or hang evil eye wall pieces in the home or business. The legend of the evil eye lives on to this day.

evil eye
Candle Burning History

Candle Burning History

Candles have been used for light and to illuminate celebrations for more than 5,000 years now. It is believed that the first candles were developed by ancient Egyptians, who used torches made melted animal fat and the pithy core of reeds. The inner core of the reeds were soaked in melted animal fat. According to Judaism, a long-lasting light was kept burning at the altar in the temple or synagogue to light other candles in the evening and to also show the presence of God.

 Christians in the ancient Mexico adopted burning candles for mass, liturgical march, and prayer ceremonies and also to show respect to the Blessed Sacrament. Candle burning rituals in the Mexican tradition have evolved to include burning fixed candles that are dressed with magical herbs, incense and crystals.  In the Mexican magic tradition, popular candle burning rituals are performed to attract positive energy for peace, prosperity, love, court cases, protection, spiritual cleansing, balance, blessings impossible cases and good health.

Egg Cleansing

Egg cleansing is a Mexican ritual staple to “curar de mal ojo” or heal from the evil eye curse. Egg cleansing can also be performed to improve a health condition, remove bad luck or for protection from negative vibes; I am sure you can recall your grandmother, mother, aunt, “tia” (aunt) “curandera” (healer) asking you to lie on the bed as they rubbed an egg over your body from head to toe and chanted prayers.

Egg cleansing is an ancient Mexican practice which heals a person by absorbing the negative energy. Traditionally, once the egg cleansing is finished, the egg is cracked open and placed in a clear glass with water for 24 hours.

Egg Cleansing
Burning Incense

Incense Burning

The practice of burning incense is a very important spiritual custom in the Mexican culture. Incense burning is used to purify the energy of the space in the room or environment that you want to cleanse. According to a Mexican legend, the smoke acts like a broom which eliminates the negative energy all around the space.

Incense comes in many forms such as sticks, resins and cones. Incense burning is also used in Mexican religious ceremonies and this ancient practice continues to this day.

Healing Crystals

If you believe that everything in the world is interconnected in one way or another, then the magic of using crystals is already revealed to you. Crystals help in vibrating the energy of the universe in a way that promotes healing and wellness. Having a crystal to carry around with you throughout the day promotes the kind of healing that you desire.

By using crystals especial the white quartz crystal, you can attract positive energy to reach your goals and desires. Direct this energy to any place that you consider an altar at your home or place of work and you will always have the energy to manifest your ideal characteristics.

Healing Crystals
Palo Santo

Palo Santo

The origin and mystical power of Palo Santo tree dates back to the Inca Empire during the 15th century. The local shamans of the Inca tribe used Palo Santo wood in their rituals. They were called “Curanderos” and named the palo santo “holy wood” due to its sacramental nature and healing effect. During this time period, the Incas burned the wood to drive off evil spirits and cleanse the land from the dark energies. According to the knowledge of shamans, if one is attracted by an aroma of Palo Santo – they reach level of spiritual purity.

This special tree was also discovered by Spanish monks in the Amazon rain forest. The priests experienced the holy woods’ amazing ability to cleanse and purify the spirit and their environment. They were intoxicated by the wood’s natural aroma and how after burning the wood, positive energy materialized all around them. Over time, the burning of Palo Santo became a popular ritual in the Mexican culture. Modern day healers or “curanderos” burn Palo Santo as part of their healing ceremonies.

Sage Symbolism

White sage is native to high desserts, but is most commonly found in California, Northern Mexico and the mountainous American west. The burning of the white sage plant has been used for thousands of years by many indigenous cultures. For many of these cultures, white sage went by the name “Sacred Sage.” It was used to get rid of any unwanted negative energies, to ask the spirits for blessings, prosperity, protection and more. By burning the sage with intention, you are asking the spirit of the sage to lend its cleansing and protective energy into your space, body, energy, and environment. Burning a sage smudge stick has become extremely popular in Mexico and the United States.

In the Mexican tradition, sage burning is strongly recommended to cleanse a home or business from negative energy. Sage cleansings is also recommend before lighting and burning candles to ensure the room is cleared from negative vibes.

Sage Symbolism
Virgen de Guadalupe2

Virgen de Guadalupe

According to tradition, Mary appeared to Juan Diego, who was an Aztec convert to Christianity, on December 9 and again on December 12, 1531.

During her first apparition she requested that a shrine to her be built on the spot where she appeared, Tepeyac Hill (now in a suburb of Mexico City).

She holds a special place in the culture and religious life of many Mexicans and Mexican Americans.